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Film und Medien Stiftung NRWNewsNewsAccreditation for European Work in Progress Cologne is now open

Accreditation for European Work in Progress Cologne is now open

The next edition of European Work in Progress Cologne (EWIP) is taking place from 5. to 7. October 2020 during the 30. Film Festival Cologne. Up to 30 carefully selected European (co-)productions will present first scenes to the attending group of industry delegates as well as other key decision makers and experts to give them an ahead of the game look and to find complementary partners in their final stage of production. Accreditation to the European Work in Progress Cologne is reserved for film professionals actively working in the industry: producers, buyers, sales agents, distributors,commissioning editors, festival programmer or representatives of complementary fields in the audio-visual sector. The accreditation allows pass holders access to the project presentations, panel discussions and all networking events of European Work in Progress Cologne 2020. Accreditation closes on 15. September.

You can find the accreditation form here.