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Film und Medien Stiftung NRWNewsNewsCoproduction Breakfast at Festival de Cannes

Coproduction Breakfast at Festival de Cannes

Today, Sunday, May 19, the Coproduction Breakfast “Focus Germany meets UK and Ireland” took place as part of the 77th Cannes Film Festival, to which the nine largest German regional funding organisations had invited. In addition to German filmmakers and producers, representatives from the United Kingdom and Ireland, this year’s partner countries of the networking event, were also guests at the German Pavilion.

Every year, Focus Germany organizes the Coproduction Breakfast with a different country or partner region. The German Pavilion is organized by German Films, the national information and advisory center for the international distribution of German films, and FOCUS Germany, the association of the nine major regional funding bodies.

Back row: Thomas Schäffer (nordmedia – Film- und Mediengesellschaft Niedersachsen/Bremen), Dorothee Erpenstein (FilmFernsehFonds Bayern), Kirsten Niehuus (Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg), Christina Bentlage (Film- und Medienstiftung NRW), Jordan McGarry (Head of Talent Development & Production), Olaf Jacobs (MV Filmförderung), Lauren Preteceille (Film London), Anna Schoeppe (Hessen Film & Medien), Carl Bergengruen (MFG – Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg), André Naumann (MDM Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung). Front: David Donoghue (Screen Producers Ireland), Helge Albers (MOIN Film Fund) © Antonia Bittig-Dedenbach/FOCUS Germany