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Film und Medien Stiftung NRWNewsNewsGerman Pavilion at the Marché du Film Cannes

German Pavilion at the Marché du Film Cannes

Today marks the start of the Festival de Cannes which has selected five films backed by the Filmstiftung. This year, the German film industry is once again present at the Marché du Film: with an umbrella stand jointty organised by German Films and FOCUS Germany, the amalgamation of the eight largest German regional film funds, which has been reduced in size due to the pandemic. Producers and other filmmakers will have the opportunity to make appointments and meet industry colleagues in the German Pavilion in compliance with the strict hygiene regulations. Appointments must be made in advance since the Pavilion’s capacity is very limited. The Pavilion is open from 9.00 to 18.00.

www.focusgermany.de | www.marchedufilm.com