Ab sofort: Deichmannhaus, Bahnhofsvorplatz 1, 50667 Köln
Film und Medien Stiftung NRWNewsNewsInternational Film Conference in Cologne from 18th-20th June 2012

International Film Conference in Cologne from 18th-20th June 2012

  • Monday: Film Policy and Digital Distribution
  • Tuesday: Entertainment
  • Wednesday: New Content
  • Additional events: Semi-final round of judging of the International Emmys and

Entertainment Master Class 

  • On Monday, 18.06., the film conference will be discussing necessary course adjustments in film policy for the digital world and will draw an interim balance with respect to current debates on the FFG amendment and copyright law. Following this, the state of digital distribution will be reviewed in the same context; including new distribution platforms and their business models and, not least, the chances and challenges of these new utilisation possibilities for the film industry. Cooperation partners here are the Filmbüro NW, film und fernsehproduzentenverband nrw, and VffV media e.V.
  • There is no question that Cologne is Germany’s entertainment capital. On Tuesday, 19.06., leading figures from the world of TV entertainment will discuss the current trends and tendencies in that field, the broadcasting stations’ entertainment strategies, and matters of brand creation and format development. During the afternoon, a session entitled “Film meets entertainment” will examine cinema entertainment and productive cross-links.
  • Like last year, the third day of the film conference will be devoted to the subject of New Content. Under the heading “How to Lab?” Wednesday, 20.06., will provide an insight into current work in the producers’ and broadcasters’ development labs and present the latest transmedia productions. To conclude, producers and financing experts will take a close look at the continuing development of crowdfunding. 

The International Film Conference (Medienforum.Film) is an event taking place in the context of the Medienforum.NRW. The Film Conference is organised by LfM Nova and the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW. Project director is Katharina Blum.

Further information at www.filmkongress.com.

Partner events of the International Film Conference

  • The semi-final round of judging for the International Emmys will already be taking place on Wednesday, 13th June. Four nominees for the much sought-after International Emmy Awards in each of the categories Actor (English-speaking), Current Affairs (English-speaking), Comedy (South America), and Drama Series (Asia /Africa) will be selected in the presence of Academy President Bruce Paisner. The organiser of the jury sitting is Cologne-based producer Leopold Hoesch (BROADVIEW TV) in cooperation with the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, the Landesanstalt für Medien NRW, ZDF and MMC Studios. www.iemmy.tv
  • The Entertainment Master Class will be coming to Cologne for the first time from 13th to 19th June. This is the first academy for TV entertainment in the world, having been developed in collaboration with leading figures from the media industry to provide suitable training for talented members of the younger generation. Participants will be working on the genres sitcom and comedy together with decision-makers and creative specialists from the world of international TV entertainment. www.entertainment-masterclass.tv