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Film und Medien Stiftung NRWNewsNewsThe countdown has started! One more week to go to the gamescom in Cologne

The countdown has started! One more week to go to the gamescom in Cologne

"World Class Games" will be the theme when the international games industry meets once again in Cologne for the 15th gamescom from 23-27 August. In 2023, the world’s largest event for computer and video games expects to have more exhibitors than last year on a record showfloor with international stands making up 78% of the participants. Koelnmesse and the German Games Industry Association are the joint organisers of gamescom.

Opening & gamescom congress

Following the Opening Night Live on 22 August, NRW’s Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst will officially open gamescom on 23 August together with Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck. On 24 August, the gamescom congress will feature the Debatt(l)e Royale with politicians Emily Büning (Federal Executive Director, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Bijan Djir-Sarai (Secretary General, FDP), Franziska Giffey (SPD, Berlin Senator for Economic Affairs and Chair of the SPD party in Berlin) and Nathanael Liminski (Minister for Federal and European Affairs, International Affairs and Media of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and Head of the State Chancellery).

Trends & Innovations

The organisers expect the trends at the coming fair to be found, in particular, in the area of Serious Games. In addition, numerous streamers such as Amazon Prime, Netflix and Disney+ are among the exhibitors attending this year. One of the innovations will be the pitching event "gamescom invest circle" bringing young companies from the games industry together with investors.

NRW Stand & Indie Arena Booth

NRW’s role as a games hub will be showcased again in the Business Area (Hall 04.1, Stand A061g – B070g) with an umbrella stand organised by the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW. The partners are KölnBusiness, Creative Europe Desk NRW, Fusion Campus, games.nrw e.V. and the Mediengründerzentrum.NRW. 

Welcome to NRW! Get-Together at the NRW stand

On Wednesday, 23 August, the partners will be hosting the "Welcome to NRW!" get-together. NRW Media Minister Nathanael Liminski will welcome the guests. In addition, the stand will feature numerous meetups and a session with Dennis Papirowski from TikTok, while numerous indie developers from NRW will have the chance to present their games in the Gaming Area. 

Indie Arena Booth

Independent game developers have been presenting their games since 2013 at the Indie Arena Booth which has now become one of the major favourites with gaming audiences. The Film- und Medienstiftung and the Indie Arena Booth provide five games companies from NRW with space in the exhibition area where international indie games and developers come together.   

Information about the event’s programme at: www.gamescom.de | www.filmstiftung.de