Ab sofort: Deichmannhaus, Bahnhofsvorplatz 1, 50667 Köln

Directed by Florian Siebert, "Upwind" (“Aufwind") is an immersive virtual reality film and tells the story of Charlotte Möhring and Melli Beese, the first two German women to want to assert themselves in the male-dominated world of aviation and get their pilot’s licence. The audience is completely immersed in the story, able to interact directly with the action and even fly a plane themselves. "Upwind" was produced using the new Volume Capture technology. The production by Düsseldorf’s Neonreal was made in cooperation with Volucap Berlin Babelsberg where the three-dimensional recordings of the actors were realised. The cast includes Luise Befort, Michelle Barthel, Wotan Wilke Möhring, Moritz Führmann, Patrick Joswig, Hendrik Heutmann and others.