Ab sofort: Deichmannhaus, Bahnhofsvorplatz 1, 50667 Köln

The Film- und Medienstiftung NRW has regularly published open calls for grants to develop web videos since 2014 – this was initially done in collaboration with the European Web Video Academy and then from 2017 as part of the NRW Creators LAB, an initiative of the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW and UFA LAB, and has now been  as part of the Creator College NRW (CCNRW) since 2020. The CCNRW has nine NRW-based creators or creator teams being supported with a boot camp, several advanced seminars and a grant of 6,000 Euros per project coming from the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW. The participants receive support and advice from successful web video creators serving as mentors as well as  experienced guest lecturers from the industry. Places are limited and will be awarded exclusively to the best applicants. The funding (according to de-minimis) is linked to participation in the bootcamp and all five dates in the development phase.

The application deadlines for the Creator College NRW will follow.


Who can apply?

  • Talented web video creators
  • Young web video creators aged 18 and over from NRW/Germany.
  • Applicants should have at least 1,000 subscribers on YouTube and have published at least three self-produced videos there in the last three months.

What does the Creator College NRW include?

  • Compulsory participation in the five-day Creator College Bootcamp at Phantasialand
  • Compulsory participation in five advanced seminars
  • Support from experts and mentors in the development of the existing YouTube channel.

What does the Creator College NRW include?

  • Compulsory participation in the five-day Creator College Bootcamp at Phantasialand
  • Compulsory participation in five advanced seminars
  • Support from experts and mentors on further development of the existing YouTube channel

Further information about the Creator College NRW: www.creatorcollege.nrw


Till Hardy
Head of Digital Content/New Media
Tel. +49-211-930 50-42