With its involvement in prizes and competitions, the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW recognises particularly creative achievements and outstanding commitment, setting quality standards for the industry and providing an incentive for the further development of NRW as a media hub.
The Herbert Strate Award is presented in memory of the cinema-owner Herbert Strate who rendered outstanding services to German cinema as the longstanding president of the German Federal Film Board (FFA) and the German exhibitors' association HDF Kino. Endowed with 20,000 Euros, the prize honours individuals who follow Strate’s example and have shown special commitment to German cinema. The Film- und Medienstiftung NRW and the HDF Kino presented the Herbert Strate Award during the ceremony for the Cinema Programming Awards NRW until 2019.
Contact: Katharina Blum, , +49-211-93050-48
The Film- und Medienstiftung NRW created the cinema programming awards to honour exhibitors in North Rhine-Westphalia, who show an outstanding programme, including German and European films as well as special productions for children and young people. The Herbert Strate Award was also awarded as part of the award ceremony until 2019. Until 2020, the Film and Cinema Congress NRW has taken place in the run-up to the award ceremony.
The German Developer Award is the most important distinction for the German game developer scene. Each year in December, prizes are awarded in numerous game categories at a gala event in North Rhine-Westphalia, most recently being held in Cologne. In addition, the awards ceremony is preceded by the "Developer Award Summit", the industry conference for the award. The Film- und Medienstiftung NRW supports the Developer Award as an excellent platform for establishing links between the games, film and TV industries in NRW.
Contact: Till Hardy, , +49-211-93050-42
The German Film Critics' Association (VDFK), MFG Filmförderung Baden-Württemberg, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung MDM and the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW collaborate in presenting the Prize for Film Criticism worth 15,000 Euros for a Best Film Review and a one-year scholarship. The distinction, which is named after the prominent film theorist Siegfried Kracauer, is awarded each year and recognizes film criticism as an important factor for a diverse cinema culture.
The prestigious honorary award is one of the most important accolades for German radio dramatists. The prize goes to an original radio play which was produced by a German-language station and has explored the possibilities of the art form in an outstanding fashion. Initiated in 1950 by the Bund der Kriegsblinden Deutschlands, the prize is now organised by the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW and the Deutscher Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband.
More information about the funding of Radio drama
Contact: Anke Morawe, , +49-211-93050-46
The German Kids Radio Drama Award recognises the best original story or the best adaptation for children’s radio drama. Endowed with 5,000 Euros, the accolade is presented each year by ARD and the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW in collaboration with the City of Wuppertal. It aims to provide children with an awareness of quality in the confusing market for radio play productions. The German Kids Radio Drama Award will be presented at the ARD Radio Drama Days in Karlsruhe.
More information about the funding of Radio drama
Contact: Anke Morawe, , +49-211-93050-46