Ab sofort: Deichmannhaus, Bahnhofsvorplatz 1, 50667 Köln

North Rhine-Westphalia is Germany’s largest radio market. There is nowhere else where the network of public and private radio operators is so concentrated, or where more listeners are reached – via VHF or Internet stream, regionally or locally. The Film- und Medienstiftung NRW backs German-language radio drama with bursaries and production funding as well as various radio prizes and events such as the Hörspielpreis der Kriegsblinden or the Hörspielforum NRW.

Facts and figures 

  • Germany’s largest radio market
  • four of the most listened-to stations in Germany
  • WDR Radio reaches almost eight million listeners each day
  • 45 local radios of radio NRW have kept at the forefront for several years
  • podcast use and livestream downloads are booming
  • numerous awards ceremonies – from the 1LIVE Krone to the NRW Radio Prize
  • Film- und Medienstiftung supports radio drama and events, including the NRW Radio Drama Forum, Hörspielwiese NRW

More information:

Radio in NRW

Sabine Heinrich
At breakfast in Münster Hiltrup, in a traffic jam on the B1, on a construction site in Alsdorf, under the shower in Essen Werden, secretly in a maths lesson in Oerlinghausen, jogging up the hill to the Hermann in Detmold, when waking up/ falling asleep/dosing/making love in a bedroom in Nettersheim, when smooching in the Landschaftspark Nord in Duisburg ... I like to join in all the time. Thank you for letting me.
Timo Naumann
Managing Director Verband Lokaler Rundfunk in NRW e.V.
NRW creates unique conditions for local radio: the people, the mentality, the subjects and the events. Only those close to the action stay relevant for the listeners and offer them the right information and entertainment. That's precisely what NRW's local stations do.
Peter Limbourg
Director General, Deutsche Welle
Creative, international and diverse - that's what NRW is. Every day, it provides material for stories about outstanding subjects and people. Industry 4.0 and InnovationAlliance, theBeethoven Festival and the Ruhrfestspiele - that's how the Deutsche Welle reaches the global decision-makers on a worldwide basis.
Michael Dietz
Presenter Aktuelle Stunde WDR
Urbanity and rusticality are united here in a warmth that's unique in Germany. Perhaps not everything is wonderful, but the charm never gets lost and it's never boring.
Stefan Raue
Director General of Deutschlandradio
The most cited German radio station broadcasts from Cologne. What was, is or will be important can be heard on Deutschlandfunk. Being the radio for the federal states means that North Rhine-Westphalia naturally also plays a prominent role in our coverage due to its size.