North Rhine-Westphalia is Germany’s largest radio market. There is nowhere else where the network of public and private radio operators is so concentrated, or where more listeners are reached – via VHF or Internet stream, regionally or locally. The Film- und Medienstiftung NRW backs German-language radio drama with bursaries and production funding as well as various radio prizes and events such as the Hörspielpreis der Kriegsblinden or the Hörspielforum NRW.
Facts and figures
- Germany’s largest radio market
- four of the most listened-to stations in Germany
- WDR Radio reaches almost eight million listeners each day
- 45 local radios of radio NRW have kept at the forefront for several years
- podcast use and livestream downloads are booming
- numerous awards ceremonies – from the 1LIVE Krone to the NRW Radio Prize
- Film- und Medienstiftung supports radio drama and events, including the NRW Radio Drama Forum, Hörspielwiese NRW
More information:
Radio in NRW