Ab sofort: Deichmannhaus, Bahnhofsvorplatz 1, 50667 Köln

Who can apply?

  • Applications can be accepted from operators of North Rhine-Westphalian cinemas and screening venues as well as organizers of film programmes in North Rhine-Westphalia.
  • Support is awarded to cinemas in North Rhine-Westphalia that give adequate consideration to German and European films.

What are the funding conditions? How does it work?

Conversion and new construction

  • The funding is provided in the form of a grant and/or loan for up to 30% of the eligible costs.
  • Innovative marketing measures for cinemas: the funding is provided in the form of a grant for up to 50% of the eligible costs.
  • Applications can be constantly submitted.
  • The funding decisions are taken by the Film Promotion Committee, which usually convenes five times a year.

Outstanding Film Programmes/Cinema Programming Award

  • Premiums of up to 20,000 Euros can be awarded for outstanding film programmes.
  • There is one deadline each year for the Cinema Programming Award.
  • A specially assembled jury decides on which cinemas are to receive the Cinema Programming Award Prize once a year.

 Film presentations

  • Grants can be awarded for special film presentations and series.
  • Applications for film presentations can be constantly submitted.
  • The funding decisions for film presentations are taken by the CEO.


  • The information and documents required for the application are set out in the application forms.
  • A consultation is required before submitting an application.

Service Centre

  • Submission dates and all further documents can be found here.


Britta Lengowski
Tel. +49-211-930 50-13