Whether it’s Digital Film Production or Media Informatics in Game Development, Master’s degrees in Entertainment Producing or Communications Design: education in NRW is as diverse as the media and creative professions themselves. As a metropolitan region and well-connected media hub, North Rhine-Westphalia has a diverse higher education infrastructure and many companies for professional training in the media and creative industries.
Facts and figures
- around 250 media related courses
- more than 740,000 students, including almost 89,000 new entrants
- over 40 training and more than 60 further education programmes
- the largest number of courses by far on offer in Germany
- international film school cologne (ifs), Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM), Technical University Dortmund, Folkwang University of the Arts, RTL Journalist School, Cologne Game Lab, and others
- funding and grant programmes: Gerd Ruge Grant, Wim Wenders Grant, Mediengründerzentrum NRW, Creator College NRW
- journalism: wide range of courses and hands-on training
More information:
Education in NRW
Film- und Medienstiftung NRW grants
Mediengründerzentrum NRW grants