Ab sofort: Deichmannhaus, Bahnhofsvorplatz 1, 50667 Köln
Film und Medien Stiftung NRWFundingGames / Interactive Content

The Film- und Medienstiftung NRW supports the development and production of computer and video games and interactive content from the fields of VR/AR, web and mobile.

Who can submit?

  • Applications are accepted from North Rhine-Westphalian companies and traders who are developing and producing digital games or interactive content and have a registered office, permanent establishment or a branch office in North Rhine-Westphalia, or who can credibly demonstrate at the time of application that they will have their registered office, permanent establishment or branch office in North Rhine-Westphalia when the first installment is paid.

What are the funding conditions?

  • Funding for concept development is allocated in the form of a grant. The level of support can be up to 80% of the production costs, but no more than 20,000 Euros.
  • Funding for prototype development is allocated in the form of a grant. The level of support can be up to 80% of the production costs,but no more than 100,000 Euros.
  • The production funding will be granted in the form of a conditionally repayable, interest-free loan. The level of support can be up to 50% of the production costs, but no more than 500,000 Euros.

How does it work?

  • A consultation is a prerequisite before making an application.
  • The information and documents required for an application are set out in the application forms.
  • There are two – three funding sessions each
  • The funding decisions are taken by an award committee chaired by the CEO.
  • Decisions are made on the basis of the funding guidelines for digital games and interactive content and a catalogue of criteria, see Annex on the guidelines.

What can I combine the funding with?

  • Monies from this funding categorycan be combined with support from other funding programmes.
  • If German or European law sets maximum limits for the cumulation of state aid, these limits must also be observed for funding granted according to these guidelines.
  • Other subsidies may not be counted towards one’s own contribution.
  • The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) has established a FAQ about the combinability with federal funding for the development of computer games.

Service Centre

  • Submission dates and all further documents can be found here.


Till Hardy
Head of Digital Content/New Media
Tel. +49-211-930 50-42
André Weiß
Consultant New Media
Tel. +49-211-930 50-64