Ab sofort: Deichmannhaus, Bahnhofsvorplatz 1, 50667 Köln
Film und Medien Stiftung NRWFundingFeature FilmVereinfachte Förderung

Who can apply?

  • Applications are accepted from producers and filmmakers, distributors and broadcasters who have their headquarters in North Rhine-Westphalia.
  • In very exceptional circumstances, applications for production funding from outside of NRW may also be supported. A German co-producer is required for international projects.

What are the conditions?

  • The focus of funding is on low-budget projects of all genres: short films, documentaries, feature films, experimental films and animated films.
  • Funding applications can be made respectively for screenwriting, pre-production, production, postproduction as well as distribution and sales.
  • The support is awarded in the form of a grant.

How does it work?

  • A consultation is required before submitting an application.
  • The information and documents required for an application are set out in the application forms.
  • In the event that a project application is not selected, the applicants can find about the reasons behind the decision at a hearing held with the funding committee.
  • A project may be submitted for funding on no more than two occasions.
  • Independent funding committees convene three times each year to decide on production funding, and they meet twice a year for distribution and sales support. These committees, composed of industry experts proposed by Filmbüro NW e.V., are constituted anew for each funding session.

Service Centre

  • Submission dates and all further documents can be found here.


Sabrina Schneider
Low Budget/Young Talent
Tel. +49-211-930 50-76
Britta Lengowski
Tel. +49-211-930 50-13
Roman Roitman
Low Budget/Documentaries
Tel. +49-211-930 50-77